陌生客同路人(简), The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, 陌生客同路人(簡)
作者John R. Cross有技巧的用顺序解释全部圣经, 使读者容易明白,并劝导读者慎重地选择那“陌生客”为救主。320 页。
An excellent, easily understood, chronological explanation of God's message in his word, showing the need for solving man's dilemma through a redeemer, met in God's Son, demonstrating his amazing love and grace. Great for both non-believers and believers, especially new believers.
Although this book has been very helpful to give an overview of the Bible, another book called By This Name by the same author is probably a little better for people from an atheist, post-modern or polytheist background. The translation has just recently been completed in simplified script Chinese, and we highly recommend this instead of Stranger on the Road to Emmaus (although they are about 90% the same content)
Simplified Script Chinese