游子吟(增订版)(简), Song of A Wanderer, 遊子吟(增訂版)(簡)
單價$3.50,整箱40本$140。 Buy a whole box (40 copies) for $140.
此書為大陸學人解答了許多信仰的問題,是目前最暢銷的書。作者曾長期崇尚無神論和個人奮鬥, 後為神的愛所感召, 終於決志接受耶穌作他個人的救主。376 頁 5.5" x 8.5" (作者講道錄音帶, 另見 J1-11MP3, & J1-11DVD)
Top recommendation for intellectuals. Convincing evidence of the truth of Christianity shared by a respected Mainland Chinese scholar who himself went through much struggling before conversion. Also shares his testimony. Available also in Traditional Script from AFC Bookstore. We also recommend the Li Cheng DVD or MP3 set (Faith, Science and Life - 15 lectures) 376 pp. 5.5" x 8.5"
Date of Publication: 2009
Language: Chinese Simplified