蘇穎智牧師畢業於美國德州休斯頓大學(University of Houston),主修哲學及希臘文,獲學士學位(B.A. Honors),繼而在美國西南浸信會神學院(South-western Baptist Theological Seminary)進修,獲道學碩士(M. Dic. Honors),跟著到達拉斯神學院(Dallas Theological Seminary)深造,攻讀系統神學,獲神學碩士學位(S. T. M. Honors);同期又在西南浸信會神學院完成教牧學博士學位(D. Min)。蘇牧師曾先後在美國休斯頓華人浸信會及德州阿靈頓華人教會牧會,1986年回港後開始在香港播道會恩福堂事奉。
This guide leads you in reading through the whole Bible in one year. Each day includes scripture passages to read and a commentary on that section of the Bible.
About the Author
Pastor Patrick So graduated from the University of Houston, Texas, USA, received a Bachelor's degree in philosophy and Greek. He then furthered his studies at South-western Baptist Theological Seminary, USA, and received a bachelor's degree in Taoism. He then went to Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas Theological Seminary) to study systematic theology and received a Master of Theology; at the same time, he completed a Doctorate in Pastoral Studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ( D.Min). Pastor So once pastored the Houston Chinese Baptist Church and the Arlington Chinese Church in Texas. After returning to Hong Kong in 1986, he began to serve at the Hong Kong Evangelistic Association Enfu Church.