门徒之道 - 大使命门徒训练第三阶段课程(简), Discipleship, 門徒之道 - 大使命門徒訓練第三階段課程(簡)
Buy 5 for $4.50 each.
這是有系統的栽培性查經教材。老師可作課本, 學生也可自學。值得推薦使用。為D2-9的跟進本。157 頁。
Notebook size 7.75" x 10" 157 pp. Book Three: Lessons for Christian growth on discipleship to be used as a teacher's guide as well as a student's workbook, designed to follow D2-9.
Book III
“Great Commission” Training for Disciples and Outline of Five Great Mysteries
Bible Verses of “Discipleship” for Recitation
Songs of the “Great Commission” III
Lesson 1 Disciples of Jesus Christ
Lesson 2 Disciples and Renewal of Life
Lesson 3 Disciples and Holy Life
Lesson 4 Disciples and Personal Sermon
Lesson 5 Disciples and Disciple Training Group
Lesson 6 Disciples and Counseling Ministry
Lesson 7 Disciples and Waiting in Patience
Lesson 8 Disciples and Team Work of Coworkers
Lesson 9 Disciples and Injustice and Misery Suffering
Lesson 10 Disciples and Universal Vision
Lesson 11 Disciples and Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 12 Disciples and Way of Dedication
- A Brief History of Great Commission Movement
- Table of Twelve Bible Study Lessons
- Guidance for “Discipleship” Teaching Material
- “Lord’s Prayer” and “The Apostle’s Creed ”